
His Workmanship

DBC's ministry for individuals with special needs.

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which He prepared beforehand that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

We offer opportunities for individuals with diverse needs and abilities and their families to grow spiritually, engage with their church family and serve others as a witness for Jesus. Our mission is to teach individuals the meaning of God’s word, what He says about who He created them to be and help them walk in the purposes He has planned for them.

Our ministry has teams of caring and committed volunteers who seek to teach, engage, and love individuals with special needs and their caregivers and families. Each classroom has a team, or in the Buddy for Me program, a volunteer, who imparts bible truths in a multi-sensory manner to help each individual engage and contribute in the classroom according to their abilities.

Amanda Vaughn // 940.297.6781 // 

our people



Partnering with the Children's and Student ministries to offer an inclusive and supportive environment for individuals able to attend on their own.

A Buddy for Me

An inclusion program for children through adults with special needs who need a little extra help; we match buddies with an individual to help them succeed in class.


classrooms designed for individuals with special needs


An alternate class designed for children ages 3-10 years who might better succeed in a more structured, sensory-friendly setting. This class is available at 11am downstairs in the Children’s Ministry area.

RISE Teens

An alternate class that caters to the individual needs of those age 11-19 needing a more structured, sensory-friendly environment of learning during the 11:00 hour meeting in the Student Ministry Building.

RISE Adults

This class brings together individuals with various mental and physical needs age 20 and up as they enjoy age appropriate activities and lessons to grow disciples and build community. This class is available at the 9am and 11am services in the Student Ministry Building.

First Time Forms

We have supportive specialized settings to accommodate individuals all ages with varying capabilities and needs.

Complete the First Time Visitor form to be contacted and to plan for your Sunday visit.

First Time Visitors

Individual Intake

All About Me


Parent Survival Partners

Care & Connection Group

Led by a parent team experienced in special needs offering connection and support via text and one-on-one meetings to parents within your busy schedules in areas of prayer, encouragement, resources, and caregiving tools.

Join Our Group


Have fun being a part of a loving family while using your gifts and abilities helping others grow in their understanding of God and His word. If you would like to explore opportunities within the special needs ministry that fit your gifts and interests, reach out to us to schedule a Sunday morning visit by completing an Interest Form.

In the special needs ministry God has shown me a glimpse into how uniquely He has made and gifted each of us.
--Kennye Jarrett, Rise Teen Volunteer

Join Our Team


Amanda Vaughn

Special Needs Ministry

Janet Rawlings

Courtney Teague

Melody Compton