
Plan Your Visit

I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.’
Psalm 122:1

We are excited for you to join us for worship, at Denton Bible Church! The church is not a man-made institution, but one that is mandated by God, as revealed in His Word. We meet together for worship each week and recognize that we are God's people assembling under His direction and leadership. We receive His instruction, from His word, preached by His servant, our pastor. It is our desire at Denton Bible to glorify God by discipleship and equipping those who know Him and sharing the good news of the Gospel to those who do not yet know Him!

Denton Bible is a large church, but we have many ways to make it feel smaller! Each Sunday, we not only offer a great place to worship but also have Sunday Bible Fellowships (SBFs). There you will find fellowship and interactive teaching in a smaller setting. These SBF’s are a great place to get to know people, learn about small groups that meet throughout the week, other ministries, events, places to serve, and missionaries that are connected to DBC. For more information on the SBF's that are currently meeting, please click here.

Sunday Services

9am & 11am*

Pastor: Tommy Nelson

Blended Music
Choir & Orchestra
Children's Sunday School
Adult SBF's

2300 E. University Dr. • Denton, TX 76209
*Live Interpretation for the deaf is offered during the 11am service.

Available on Sundays

Children's Ministry

We engage children from 4 months - 5th Grade in age appropriate activities that teach the Word of God and encourage children to know, love, and follow Christ. Our volunteers and staff are excited to join parents in helping their children to build a strong relationship with Jesus.

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At Denton Bible Student Ministries, we strive to awaken a love for Jesus in the hearts of middle school and high school students through discipleship by sharing our lives and the Gospel with them (1 Thess. 2:8). We gather on Sundays at 11am for High School and Middle School separate “Sunday Bible Fellowships” and on Wednesday nights for “Elevates” from 7-9pm at the SMC.

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Denton Bible College Ministry exists to help college-aged students to know and follow Christ. We want our ministry to be a place you can belong, be known, be trained, and be sent out into the world around you. We gather for our college Bible study every Tuesday at 7pm in the SMC auditorium.

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Sunday Bible Fellowships

A way to make Denton Bible Church smaller, with a community within the church, that offers a safe place to meet new people, share your life, and get connected to the body of Christ. This is a place to find prayer, worship, fellowship, Bible study, teaching, community, small groups, spiritual growth and accountability.

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Special Needs

His Workmanship is a ministry with dedicated programs for individuals of all ages with special needs. Sundays 9am & 11am

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Starting Point

Starting Point is where a visitor can get all their questions about DBC answered. If you have questions about anything from checking in your children, Sunday Bible Fellowship classes, or Small Groups we can help.

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What to Expect

starting point

We'd love to welcome you to Denton Bible on your first visit! Come visit us at Starting Point to learn more about DBC ministries, Sunday Bible Fellowships, Small Groups or we're here if you need someone to pray with. We’re always excited to welcome new visitors! Starting Point is located across from the Chapel, right next to the main Sanctuary glass doors. We also welcome you to visit the coffee station (located near the Fellowship Hall) for some hot coffee and friendly conversation. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Main Building Map

Campus Map