Women's Bible Study AM | 1 & 2 SAMUEL
START/END DATES: January 29th- April 30th TIME: 9:30-11:15 AM LOCATION: SMC Room 114 LEADERS: Deb Squiers / Gina Linn DESCRIPTION: Join us as we study 2 Samuel to see how God uses even our mistakes to lead us to His best ways for our lives . We will learn of Samuel’s miraculous birth, Saul’s insecure leadership and David’s kingdom. MATERIALS: Workbook must be purchased by each woman. You will find it at any of these links (choose the one that works best for you): https://www.christianbook.com/1-2-samuel-lifechange-bible-study/9781615217342/pd/217342?event=ESRCG (Christianbook.org) https://a.co/d/grVs1Qv (Amazon) https://www.navpress.com/p/1-2-samuel/9781615217342 (Nav Press) ** This group is a continuation from the Fall studying 1 Samuel. We still invite anyone new wanting to study 2 Samuel with us. CHILDCARE is available. Check with your Bible study leader for updated childcare information.