
Instructions on how to view current status of ministry budgets.

March 06, 2021

Get these instructions in a printable pdf!


Step 1

Select the Views tab in the Generate Reports section of the Financial Suite Workbench.

Step 2

From the drop-down menu, select Month End Reports

Click the Blue Arrow.

Step 3

Verify the Month and Year are the range you want to view.

Click Preview.

Step 4

To email the report continue with Step 4.
To print the report, skip to Step 8.

To email the report, click the arrow next to the email icon to open format menu.

Step 5

Once the format is selected, the Send E-mail dialog box will appear.

Type the recipient's email address in the "To:" box.  ACS does not have auto-fill feature so the entire emal address will need to be entered.

Click Send.

Step 6

Click Close.

Step 7

Click OK.

Step 8

To print the report, click the printer icon.

Step 9

Once the Printer dialog opens, select printer.

Step 10

Click OK.

Step 11

To view the activity detail, hover the mouse over the amount (either in the MTD or YTD columns).

If the hand appears, click on the amount.

If the hand does not appear, the report does not have drill down capabilities.

Step 12

Click close once you have viewed, emailed, or printed the Detail.

Step 13

Click Close

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