Childcare Guidelines
Periodically, we like to re-communicate our childcare guidelines especially as ministries begin to plan for the upcoming year. The primary purpose in Denton Bible Church providing childcare is so that individuals may participate in small group Bible studies and other weekly, ministry activities. Childcare at Denton Bible is available 20 hours per week according to the schedule below. If ministries want to provide childcare to their participants, they should schedule bible studies, classes, and activities during the hours childcare is provided.
We will be unable to accommodate a ministry’s request for earlier drop-offs or later pick-ups. On occasion, a ministry will have a one-time or special event where childcare is requested. If our childcare ministry is able to find childcare employees to work the special request, the cost of that childcare will be charged to the ministry requesting childcare.
Childcare Schedule
Sundays 7:45am-9am / 4pm-8pm
Tuesdays 6:30pm-9pm
Wednesdays 9:30am-11:30am / 6:30pm-9pm
Thursdays 6:30pm-9pm
One-time/Special Events
One-time Events and Special Events must be coordinated by the Ministry sponsoring the event.
Generally the ministry sponsoring the event:
- May utilize the Learning Center for childcare
- Will be required to provide volunteer childcare workers
- May expect the Childcare Ministry to provide an overseer to supervise the childcare volunteers
- Will be responsible for any cost incurred by the church for the provision of childcare