Bible Training Center for Pastors
BTCP is a 520 hour program that is spread over two years. Our desire is to raise up men who can become leaders and/or teachers within Denton Bible Church to serve in or become leaders of ministries in the church and/or community.
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Bible Training Center for Leaders
Women of different ages and life experiences who want training for ministry (local and international). The class time emphasizes studying as an act of worship, learning in community, and servant-leadership.
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Young Guns
The Young Guns Program is a nine-month intensive discipleship and leadership-training program for post-college men from around the country designed to develop well-rounded leaders who will be able to exposit...
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Women's Discipleship Training Program
WDTP is an academically challenging and application oriented 9-month program designed to facilitate God’s transforming work in women’s hearts as they learn to prefer His thoughts and His ways over their own while developing the lifelong pursuit of discipleship.
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Equipped to Counsel
An important part of our biblical counseling mission is to equip the body of Christ in face-to-face gospel ministry. We believe all maturing believers are called to counsel biblically within the body of Christ.
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