MP Access & Training
MinistryPlatform is the database system used by Denton Bible to manage...
You can find everything here that was previously accessible at but with a slightly different navigation structure and new mobile friendly layout. As with any change there may be a slight learning curve but you'll find the same categories you used previously with the addition of a few new ones. We believe the changes will make the site easier for Ministries to browse and locate the submittal forms and information they need.
MinistryPlatform is the database system used by Denton Bible to manage...
Information that walks you through the process of an Exit Interview.
Submit your MP event, group, or opportunity to be promoted through DBC...
Get help Creating your event, group, or opportunity
For many trips and service opportunities, the church may require someone to...
Because you requested the SMC Gym, we have been provided a link to the...
The Finance Board Request (Missions) form should be completed two weeks...
Request service for facilities, technology, and equipment issues.
The DBC printshop provides print services for DBC Ministries, supported...
Fill out this Form to request a key, keycard or access code to the Denton...
Purchase requests over $1000 must be submitted on this form and approved by...
Request changes to ministry information or description in Starting Point...
Fill out this form to submit a request to have childcare provided for a...
Employees will need to familiarize themselves with Denton Bible...
Full-time employees that would like to enroll in, change information for, or...
Employees that would like to enroll in the United Healthcare benefits...
Conflict of Interest Policy & Disclosure Statement
Use of Technology and Networks Policy
Vehicle Useage AgreementDriver/Trailer Use Policy Acknowledgement
Employees wishing to apply for ordination, commission, or license must...
Denton Bible Church reimburses certain employees who are enrolled at...
Which Forms to use When? Foreign Indvidual or Entity National Entity...
Accident Report Document Child Abuse/Neglect Report...
In many countries, a valid labor contract will be needed in order to ensure...
The Cash Advance Reconciliation form can be printed from the website and...
For all check requests (cash advances, reimbursements, vendor payments)...
Below, you will find examples of job descriptions for various roles utilized...
Approval required before attending conferences, workshops, seminars etc.
Initial fundraisers of all kinds for any ministry must be approved by the...
Insurance Enrollment Employees that would like to enroll in the benefits...
All employee time sheets need to be signed by the Ministry Director and...
For all non-incorporated entities or individuals, Denton Bible Church...
The Wire Transfer Request must be completed in addition to a signed Check...
Information on how to purchase office supplies and technology items for your...
Pay another ministry for the use of their resources.
Employees will receive their income through direct deposit to ensure...
For all check requests (cash advances, reimbursements, vendor payments)...
For many trips and service opportunities, the church may require a consent...
For many trips and service opportunities, the church may require someone to...
For many trips and service opportunities, the church may require a consent...
All volunteers in a Denton Bible ministry or on a mission trip must...
Information that walks you through the process of hiring a new employee...
How to run reports to view activity for accounts with balances that carry...
Instructions on how to view current status of ministry budgets.