

Welcome to the new DBC admin site!

You can find everything here that was previously accessible at but with a slightly different navigation structure and new mobile friendly layout. As with any change there may be a slight learning curve but you'll find the same categories you used previously with the addition of a few new ones. We believe the changes will make the site easier for Ministries to browse and locate the submittal forms and information they need.

How to use the new admin site?

  1. Change your bookmarks - The new admin web address is You'll need to change the link to it and any other bookmarks you might have saved from the old site.
  2. Find the category drop down - You can filter the list of admin articles by using drop down menu below.  
  3. Notice the new categories - In addition to the categories you used to navigate on the previous site you will find some additional categories such as Documents and Online Forms.

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